You are currently viewing ##  Comment la fentanyl entre aux États-Unis, un smuggler à la fois.  **English Translation:** How Fentanyl Enters The U.S., One American Smuggler at a Time

## Comment la fentanyl entre aux États-Unis, un smuggler à la fois. **English Translation:** How Fentanyl Enters The U.S., One American Smuggler at a Time

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Les syndicats mexicains de drogue transforment des milliers d’Américains en contrebandiers de fentanyl, envoyant une armée de messagers qui peuvent facilement traverser les deux pays.

**Rewritten in 100 words:**

Mexican drug cartels are exploiting the porous border between the US and Mexico to train thousands of Americans as fentanyl smugglers. These couriers easily cross both countries, making them a dangerous force on both sides. The cartels have exploited this vulnerability to exploit American citizens, sending them across borders to ship illegal drugs.

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